
Telecom Billing Software

Powerful interconnect billing and reconciliation tools for wholesale voice, data, messaging and digital telecommunication providers.

iconx interconnect billing

ICONX Telecom Interconnect Billing

As the wholesale telecommunications market rolls-out next generation services and becomes more complex, with growing incremental billing and OBR, origination charging structures, these are providing you with additional challenges. Having an interconnect billing system that can support and automate any interconnect agreement changes with your partners, is critical to your business needs.

Developed with the very latest technologies and processing all wholesale interconnect traffic types as standard. This includes traditional voice and messaging, and the latest A2P, IoT and digital content services. Our state of the art carrier-grade solution meets the interconnect billing and interconnect settlement requirements of fixed, mobile, MVNO, cable and multi-play telecommunication operators worldwide.

By choosing iCONX, you are future proofing your interconnect billing capabilities and staying ahead of telco market changes. Read on to see why you should work with a trusted partner with over 20 years of experience in wholesale telecommunications.

Benefits of interconnect billing systems with iCONX

intelligent call routing

Revenue assurance

Proven interconnect billing solution with full Revenue Assurance and cost control.

intelligent call routing

Expert billing system

Latest domestic and international Interconnect voice, data and messaging trends are supported including OBR and A2P.

interconnect billing

Automated operations

Automation features are fully integrated to easily import data, update agreement changes, produce billing, reconciliation and reporting data and optimise operational activities.

iconx telco wholesale management system

Secure and reliable platform

Powerful rating, billing and reconciliation functionality with full audit trail capability. This is delivered with industry leading technologies, privacy and security standards including ISO27001, ISO22301, BS10012, and SOC1 SSAE 18 for financial integrity controls.

wholesale telecommunications

Maximise decision making

Easy access to impressive reporting data and alerts, that users can simply customise to meet their needs.

interconnect billing

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Tell us about the challenges you face in running your wholesale telecoms operations. We will show you how we can help.

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Interconnect billing features

Simplify your partner-related activities for interconnect billing.

Users can easily set-up new partners, and configure any applicable charging rules. The latest interconnect charges are fully supported, including OBR (Origination Based Rating) surcharges and incremental duration charging rules. Partner agreements are easily configured and updated using the embedded powerful Autoloader Tools.

Maximise your interconnect revenues and margins.

iCONX has developed a powerful rating engine that accurately processes billions of records daily for its worldwide customer base. Users can generate interconnect invoices, reconciliation and interconnect settlement statements with confidence; where time of day, multiple currencies, tax, and re-rating for any agreement changes are easily configured. 

Customer-defined invoices are fully supported via the user-friendly GUI, and automatically generated with feature-rich validation checks for final approval. Non-usage based one time, or recurrent interconnect charges such as leased lines or renting of equipment is fully supported. Additional financial control tools are available to manage payments, credit control limits, interconnect settlement details, disputes and generation of invoicing statements. 

Gain an interconnect billing system that gives you complete control of the growing challenges OBR is having on wholesale voice agreements in the telecommunications community.

The spread of OBR has aimed to rebalance termination rates between countries or economic regions such as the GCC or EEA. This requires a sophisticated rating process that looks at both where the call originated from as well as the end destination.

iCONX’s Interconnect Billing system is fully compliant for loading, rating, reporting and billing of OBR traffic scenarios. A complete “any-to-any” granularity of origin and destination mapping, using intelligent batching processes, enables efficient and timely management of the origin/destination mix. Mediation-level features are embedded to identify blank or Invalid CLI origin numbers such as number length rules, where higher rates often apply.

Empower your business with the necessary tools to uncover data-driven insights.

Interact with near-real-time data via management dashboards and customisable reporting views, to make informed decisions and maximise revenue assurance. Using the latest Microsoft Power BI reporting and dashboard technology, any user can easily create impressive looking reports, and deliver invaluable understanding of your wholesale business.

The iCONX software allows for seamless ERP integration.

We connect and synchronise the iCONX interconnect billing platform with your existing enterprise systems including finance, revenue assurance and datawarehouse platforms.

iCONX process diagram

You have the freedom to choose interconnect billing or routing optimisation as separate products from iCONX. Where you need both, choose our fully integrated Wholesale Management System as one platform to fully manage your wholesale operations. See how each of these options can meet your Interconnect Billing or Routing optimisation needs.

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Get in touch

Tell us about the challenges you face in running your wholesale telecoms operations. We will show you how our interconnect billing system can help.